The Book of Mormon

Book of Mormon Geography

Alma 22:27–37 contains the most comprehensive description of the geographic layout of the Nephite and Lamanite lands. Understanding the geography described in this section is important not just for understanding the scope of the Lamanite king’s proclamation in 22:27; it will also be critical when the narrative turns to the wars of the Lamanites later in the book of Alma.

Any proposed geography of the Book of Mormon must align with the description given at the end of Alma 22. While there can be some room for interpretation, a responsible reader should define the words used in this section according to their usage in Joseph Smith’s time (via Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Langage).

This is a simplified internal map of the Book of Mormon lands, one based entirely on the descriptions within the text mentioned above:

Book of Mormon internal map Mike Parker 2023