Doctrine and Covenants
Week 14: The church in Ohio, August–November 1831
Sections 63–69
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16 January 2024
Lesson Materials
Lesson video
Additional reading and links
President J. Reuben Clark Jr., “When Are the Writings and Sermons of Church Leaders Entitled to the Claim of Scripture?,” address to Seminary and Institute personnel at BYU, 7 July 1954.
Kirtland, City of Revelation: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast is an eight-part documentary miniseries that explores the way men and women flocked to Kirtland in the 1830s to hear the voice of God through the prophet Joseph Smith. The episodes consider Kirtland as a site of abundant revelation and the place where church leaders organized much of the church. The episodes also illuminate how Joseph Smith was intent on teaching church members in Kirtland how to hear the voice of God themselves. Series host Spencer W. McBride interviewed historians and Church leaders for this podcast.
The episodes can be listened to on the Church website at the link above. You can also listen through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or by subscribing to the podcast’s RSS feed in your podcast app.
Elder Richard G. Scott, “Healing the Tragic Scars of Abuse,” General Conference, April 1992.