Old Testament
Week 20: Isaiah, Part 3
Week 20: Isaiah, Part 3
Isaiah 13–39
Isaiah 13–39
24 March 2022
24 March 2022
Lesson Materials
Lesson Materials
Additional reading
Additional reading
Daniel B. Wallace, “Is ‘Lucifer’ the Devil in Isaiah 14:12? The KJV Argument against Modern Translations,” Bible.org, last updated 22 March 2010.
In 705 ʙ.ᴄ., King Hezekiah of Judah stopped paying tribute to Assyria, and began to fortify Jerusalem in preparation for an Assyrian siege. His fortifications included building a ½-kilometer tunnel under the city wall to bring water from the Gihon Spring into the city. In 2010 BYU-Jerusalem religion professor Bill Hamblin walked the entire tunnel with his students and a video camera.