Doctrine and Covenants
Week 16: The Vision of the three degrees of glory
Section 76
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30 January 2025
Lesson Materials
Notes and slides will be posted after the class has been held.
Download PowerPoint slides with animation
Lesson video
Additional reading and links
Philo Dibble, “Recollections of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” Juvenile Instructor 27, no. 10 (15 May 1892): 303–04. Brother Dibble recalled his firsthand experience being in the room when Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon experienced the Vision now called D&C 76.
Joseph Smith, “A Vision,” Times and Seasons 4, no. 6 (1 February 1843): 81–85. W.W. Phelps wrote a letter in poetic verse to the Prophet Joseph about the celestial kingdom, and Joseph responded with a poetic form of D&C 76.
Elder Russell M. Nelson, “Perfection Pending,” General Conference, October 1995. Elder Nelson offered a suggestion on the meaning of the word telestial.
Kevin Barney, “The Etymology of ‘Telestial’,” By Common Consent, 27 January 2010. Barney takes a scholarly approach to the origin of the word telestial.