1. Introduction & the Divine Council
2. Origins & translation of the Old Testament
3. The Creation (Genesis 1–2; Moses 2–3; Abraham 4–5)
4. The Fall; Adam & Eve in the world; Cain & Abel (Genesis 3–4; Moses 4:1–6:9)
5. Enoch (Moses 6:25–7:69)
6. Noah (Moses 8; Genesis 6–11)
7. The book of Abraham (facsimiles 1–3)
8. Abraham (Abraham 1–2; Genesis 12–23)
9. Isaac & Jacob (Genesis 24–36)
10. Joseph & the sons of Jacob (Genesis 37–50)
11. Moses: origins, calling & exodus (Exodus 1–15)
12. The law & the tabernacle (Exodus 16–40, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy)
13. The conquest of Canaan (Joshua, Judges & Ruth)
14. Samuel, Saul & David (1 Samuel & 2 Samuel)
15. Solomon, the divided kingdom, Elijah & Elisha (1 Kings & 2 Kings)
16. Wisdom & poetry literature (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & the Song of Solomon)
17. The early prophets (Amos, Hosea, Jonah & Micah)
18. Isaiah, part 1 (Isaiah 1–6)
19. Isaiah, part 2 (Isaiah 7–12)
20. Isaiah, part 3 (Isaiah 13–39)
21. Isaiah, part 4 (Isaiah 40–55)
22. Isaiah, part 5 (Isaiah 56–66)
23. Prophets before the Exile (Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah & Joel)
24. Jeremiah & Lamentations
25. Ezekiel
26. Daniel
27. Events after the Exile (Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther)
28. Prophets after the Exile (Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi)
29. Judah between the Old & New Testaments