Old Testament
Week 9: Isaac & Jacob
Week 9: Isaac & Jacob
Genesis 24–36
Genesis 24–36
11 November 2021
11 November 2021
Lesson Materials
Lesson Materials
Additional reading
Additional reading
R. David Freedman, “Put Your Hand Under My Thigh—the Patriarchal Oath,” Biblical Archaeology Review 2 (1976): 2–4, 42. Freedman, an Assyriologist, explains the unusual practice described in Genesis 24:2, 9.
C. Houtman, “What Did Jacob See in His Dream at Bethel? Some Remarks on Genesis XXVIII 10–22,” Vetus Testamentum 27, no. 3 (July 1977): 337–51. What was “Jacob’s ladder” in Genesis 28:12? Houtman explains that the most likely meaning of the Hebrew word is stairway.