New Testament

New Testament Maps

New Testament Map #95 Early Rome

#95 Early Rome

New Testament Map #96 Roman Expansion in the Third and Second Centuries B.C.

#96 Roman Expansion in the Third and Second Centuries B.C.

New Testament Map #97 Civil Wars and the Expansion of Rome in the First Century B.C.

#97 Civil Wars and the Expansion of Rome in the First Century B.C.

New Testament Map #98 The Roman Empire in the Age of Augustus

#98 The Roman Empire in the Age of Augustus

New Testament Map #99 Roman Rule in Palestine

#99 Roman Rule in Palestine

New Testament Map #100 The Kingdom of Herod the Great

#100 The Kingdom of Herod the Great

New Testament Map #101 Herod’s Building Program

#101 Herod’s Building Program

New Testament Map #102 The Division of Herod’s Kingdom

#102 The Division of Herod’s Kingdom

New Testament Map #102a Palestine under the Herods

#102a Palestine under the Herods

New Testament Map #103 Palestine in the Time of Jesus

#103 Palestine in the Time of Jesus

New Testament Map #103a Palestine in the Time of Jesus

#103a Palestine in the Time of Jesus

New Testament Map #104 Qumran Caves and the Dead Sea Scrolls

#104 Qumran Caves and the Dead Sea Scrolls

New Testament Map #105 Jesus’ Birth and Early Childhood

#105 Jesus’ Birth and Early Childhood

New Testament Map #105a The Birth, Childhood, and Baptism of Jesus

#105a The Birth, Childhood, and Baptism of Jesus

New Testament Map #106 John the Baptist

#106 John the Baptist

New Testament Map #107 Galilee in the Time of Jesus

#107 Galilee in the Time of Jesus

New Testament Map #107a Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee and Journey to Jerusalem

#107a Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee and Journey to Jerusalem

New Testament Map #108 The Ministry of Jesus around the Sea of Galilee

#108 The Ministry of Jesus around the Sea of Galilee

New Testament Map #109 The Ministry of Jesus beyond Galilee

#109 The Ministry of Jesus beyond Galilee

New Testament Map #109a Jesus’ Ministry According to John

#109a Jesus’ Ministry According to John

New Testament Map #110 Jesus’ Journeys from Galilee to Judea

#110 Jesus’ Journeys from Galilee to Judea

New Testament Map #111 Jesus in Judea and Jerusalem

#111 Jesus in Judea and Jerusalem

New Testament Map #112 Jerusalem in the New Testament Period

#112 Jerusalem in the New Testament Period

New Testament Map #113 The Passion Week in Jerusalem

#113 The Passion Week in Jerusalem

New Testament Map #114 The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I

#114 The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I

New Testament Map #115 The Second Procuratorship and the Kingdom of Agrippa II

#115 The Second Procuratorship and the Kingdom of Agrippa II

New Testament Map #116 Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora

#116 Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora

New Testament Map #117 Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine

#117 Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine

New Testament Map #118 Paul’s Conversion and Early Ministry

#118 Paul’s Conversion and Early Ministry

New Testament Map #118a Paul’s Journeys

#118a Paul’s Journeys

New Testament Map #119 The First Missionary Journey of Paul

#119 The First Missionary Journey of Paul

New Testament Map #120 The Second Missionary Journey of Paul

#120 The Second Missionary Journey of Paul

New Testament Map #121 The Third Missionary Journey of Paul

#121 The Third Missionary Journey of Paul

New Testament Map #122 Paul’s Arrest and Imprisonment

#122 Paul’s Arrest and Imprisonment

New Testament Map #123 Paul’s Voyage to Rome

#123 Paul’s Voyage to Rome

New Testament Map #124 Distribution of Roman Legions in the Time of Tiberius

#124 Distribution of Roman Legions in the Time of Tiberius

New Testament Map #125 The First Jewish Revolt (A.D. 66–70)

#125 The First Jewish Revolt (A.D. 66–70)

New Testament Map #126 Titus’s Campaigns (A.D. 69–70)

#126 Titus’s Campaigns (A.D. 69–70)

New Testament Map #126a Herod’s Temple

#126a Herod’s Temple

New Testament Map #127 Churches of the Revelation

#127 Churches of the Revelation

New Testament Map #128 The Roman Empire in the Early Second Century (ca. A.D. 117)

#128 The Roman Empire in the Early Second Century (ca. A.D. 117)

New Testament Map #129 Palestine from A.D. 73–135

#129 Palestine from A.D. 73–135

New Testament Map #130 The Bar Kokhba Revolt (A.D. 132–135)

#130 The Bar Kokhba Revolt (A.D. 132–135)

New Testament Map #131 Hadrian’s Jerusalem: Colonia Aelia Capitolina

#131 Hadrian’s Jerusalem: Colonia Aelia Capitolina

New Testament Map #132 The Expansion of Christianity in the Second and Third Centuries A.D.

#132 The Expansion of Christianity in the Second and Third Centuries A.D.